Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Despicable Behavior

I can only describe the recent Prop 8 protests as despicable. How dare they march and protest in front of the Mormon churches and temples. Fact; the Mormon Church did not donate money to Yes on Prop 8. Fact; it's members did donate their own money. Fact; The Mormon population voting for Prop 8 amounts to 2% of the total yes votes.

So why are the gays targeting the Mormons? Because we are an easy target. We are passive, and it is OK in today's society to bash white Christians. Why aren't the gays protesting at black and Hispanic church's? They represent a huge portion of the yes vote. They don't because it is politically incorrect. They are chicken. They are acting like a bunch of spoiled children that didn't get their way. They are used to forwarding their agenda without much opposition, but this time conservatives have drawn the line. Don't mess with Marriage.

No matter how much we say this, it doesn't seem to sink in. We don't hate gays. This proposition does not take away any of their rights. This is not a gay, or civil rights issue. It is actually a freedom of religion issue. If Prop 8 did not pass, the ramifications of this proposition would greatly inhibit, and torment religious institutions, and their members.

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