Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bigger Is Not Better

A government that is big enough to take care of everyone is also big enough to take everything away.

Don't believe the hype. Our government, especially the liberal side of our government is not looking out for you. They are not trying to help out the little guy. They are not "for the people." What they are interested in is more power. That means they need to grow to a point at which we just hand our paycheck over to them and let them take care of us.

These recent bailouts are not the right path to go down. This will give government more power over private industry. They want to dictate what types of cars the auto industry should make. They want to dictate the terms and types of loans people should have on their homes, and they want to try and take care of our health needs as well.

Wake up people. All this will come at a huge cost. The cost will be our income and our freedom.

Don't believe the hype. Stand on your own two feet. For better, or worse. I'd rather be dirt poor, than have the government "take care of me." If you think they would take good care of you, just visit your local Social Security Administration office, or the DMV.

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