Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gitmo Torture Facility

Torture food

I got some interesting information while listening to the Dennis Prager radio show today. For those who think the terrorists in Gitmo are being treated badly, think again. Here is one example of the treatment they receive: When they are given the Koran to read, per their insistance, military personnel are not worthy of touching the book. It has to be given to them by a "worthy" muslim, who they appoint, and even they have to handle the book with cloth gloves. Hmmmm, does that sound like torture to you? There is a long list of privileges they receive, which are comforts that I don't have, begginning with top quality health care.

So you think closing Gitmo is a good Idea? You think it is the right thing to do? Take a look at this website first, and then make your own decision. It is always better to make an informed decision, rather than a popular decision. If you are getting all your information from the news media, then you decision is most likely a popular one.

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