Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Man Up!

It is my opinion that in the past 30 years or so, manliness has been reduced to almost nothing. The liberal media has socially castrated men. We are at the point where anything resembling a purely male characteristic is viewed in a negative light. Men are archaic, knuckle draggers, historic throw backs from the stone age.

We are depicted in movies, songs, and commercials, as insensitive, stupid, morons, who act like we have received a frontal lobotomy.

I think it is time we man up and celebrate our macho tendencies. Let's re-discover our masculinity, and celebrate it. Let's squash the metro sexual image that feminist and gay activists love to push on us. Let's go fishing and camping. Let's opt for the barber shop instead of the hair salon. Let's go watch an action flick, by ourselves, because we're man enough to do something without anyone else.

I have found a website that has been a revelation to me, and I would like to share it with you.

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