Attorney General Eric Holder is a troubling figure on the American political landscape. It is safe to say that Mr. Holder leans to the left. Among other things he wants to limit public access to guns, and he worked for the NAACP. But what is most troubling is his posture on terrorism.
First he was instrumental in the sentence reduction of 16 terrorists from the Puerto Rican terrorist organization, Boricua Popular Army. This terrorist group has been fighting against the U.S. since the early seventies. They have killed our military personnel, and they robbed a Wells Fargo Bank annex of over 7 million dollars.
Second, Mr. Holder decided to hand key terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay over to the civilian court system, which enables them to have the same rights as a car thief or a convenience store robber. This decision will undoubtedly help the terrorists make a mockery of our judicial system and cost tax payers hundreds of millions of dollars.
Third, his direction ripped the underwear bomber out of the hands of FBI interrogators, where he was read his miranda rights, and subsequently he stopped talking. Precious information could have been obtained from this novice terrorist, but instead Eric Holder Made sure he was protected like a U.S. citizen. We will never know what future plot we might have been able to thwart through the interrogation efforts of the FBI. In the end it might mean many American lives.
Eric Holder is obviously a product of the liberal education system. He is a detached ideologue. and he can't connect the dots between common sense and the values he possesses. Unfortunately, there are others in power, like Mr. Holder, who are undermining our beloved American way of life.
How can the office of Attorney General be handed to someone so un-American, unless his boss is the same?