Thursday, February 19, 2009

Great Leadership

Cowards? COWARDS! Our own Attorney General is calling the American People "cowards."

Is this the kind of leadership we can expect from this administration?

This is ridiculous.

Unfortunately, it's just the beginning.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimu - Less

We need less stimulus. By now you have probably already heard this argument, but repetition is the key to making people believe something is true. And in this case, this is true.

We need the government to get their stinking hands out of our pockets, and out of our children's future pockets, and the the free market system work. Yes it does work.

Today President Obama signed the stimulus bill, and the markets plummeted. Not a good sign of stimulus, or confidence from the stock market. Unfortunately, this market reaction is probably a sign of how effect this piece of legislation is going to be.

Nothing would go further in restoring our economy than the government letting us keep more of our money, so we can pay mortgages, and spend some of what we earned for ourselves.

It's not that difficult.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darwin, racist?

Ok, we all know how much the lefties love Charles Darwin. Today is Darwin day, in celebration of his birthday, which he happens to share with Abraham Lincoln, and liberals all over the world are celebrating. Of course Darwin is not only loved by the left, many people celebrate his contributions to science. But the libs, and the atheists in particular, base much of their belief system on Darwin's theories on evolution.

Well, I have a little surprise for ya. Many people don't know that part of Darwin's published works, describe a need to "preserve the races." Also, in his book, "The Decent of Man," Darwin states that Blacks are farthest behind in the evolutionary chain, among humans. He also states that they are inferior to the white race and closer to apes than any other human race.

Isn't it interesting that you never hear these little tid bits, when the lefties are smirking at religious people, and pointing to the "evolution of man" as a dis-creditor of the story of Adam and Eve.

How do those on the left rationalize their total belief in Darwin's theories, when it is tainted with this documented evidence of racism? It seems to me that you have to believe it all, or none of it. They can't selectively believe portions of his theories, and ignore the ones that don't fit their agenda. I don't think anyone today would agree that blacks are inferior. So doesn't that mean that his theory is flawed? I guess you could say that he was right part of the time, but if you walk down his flow of logic, the bad part that people don't want to talk about, is logical.

Personally, I have problems with the theory of evolution, mainly because there is a missing link, but also, now, because I don't believe the racist remarks that Darwin stated.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gitmo Torture Facility

Torture food

I got some interesting information while listening to the Dennis Prager radio show today. For those who think the terrorists in Gitmo are being treated badly, think again. Here is one example of the treatment they receive: When they are given the Koran to read, per their insistance, military personnel are not worthy of touching the book. It has to be given to them by a "worthy" muslim, who they appoint, and even they have to handle the book with cloth gloves. Hmmmm, does that sound like torture to you? There is a long list of privileges they receive, which are comforts that I don't have, begginning with top quality health care.

So you think closing Gitmo is a good Idea? You think it is the right thing to do? Take a look at this website first, and then make your own decision. It is always better to make an informed decision, rather than a popular decision. If you are getting all your information from the news media, then you decision is most likely a popular one.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I said it before, and I'll say it again.  Government bailouts are not a good idea.'

Back in October, 2008, I wrote an entry that stated how wrong it was for the Federal Government to bailout the banks.  I said it then, and I'll say it again.  Bad Idea!

So let's review.  We gave a mountain of cash to major banks and lending institutions, and the auto industry.  That was four months ago.  Anybody see any improvement?  That's right, neither did I.  Not only was there no improvement, but some of the companies decided to go party with some of that money at lavish resorts.  UNBELIEVABLE!

Told you so.  Government intervention in the free market economy always spells disaster.  We should have learned that lesson from FDR, and other nations that have tried it over the past ten years.  This latest umpteen gillion dollars that is supposed to be a shot in the arm to the economy is going to be like one of those flu shots you get, and the virus isn't quite dead yet.  Yup, that's right, you still get sick.  This is only going to make the situation worse, and prolong the downward trend in the markets and the economy.

I have said before that I want President Obama to succeed, and I still do.  If he succeeds, we all succeed.  But, I'm going to make a big prediction here.  I'm so sure that government involvement in trying to fix the economy is not going to work, I predict that Obama is going to be a one term president.  I know everybody loves him.  But that admiration bubble will burst, or at least leak, and by his mid term, most people will be looking for a new president.

I hope I'm wrong.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Party Politics

I have grown very tired of partisan politics. Even in the financial crisis we find ourselves in, our politicians cant seem to shed the party first attitude that has invaded our legislative branch of government.

I discovered, however, this is not a new phenomenon. Take a look at this quote from George Washington, in his farewell address.

"The party spirit, he lamented:
serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of
party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

It seems that we are stuck with the childish party politics that are inherent in the system, but I don't have to like it. It reminds me of the Beatles song that John Lennon penned, "I, me, my." I believe we will see vast improvement in what we can accomplish as a nation if/when we get beyond selfish, self serving politicians, who are supposed to be representing us.

My recommendation is to vote for the representative, not the politician, if you ever get the opportunity.

A Striking Resemblance

I hate to do this, but I can't help myself. Let's just say the devil made me do it.

A striking resemblance.