Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Leftist Contempt for the American People

The left doesn't care what Americans think, or want. Their attitude is what they believe is right, even if they are in the minority. They have contempt for the average American. Their political agenda trumps all. That is how they can ignore the fact that a life is being killed during an abortion.

Eric Holder is a perfect example of the lack of empathy and reason that comes from the Liberals in Washington. In a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, he stood before the American People and the family members of the victims of 9/11, and stated that justice will be served. They didn't seem to care that a woman in attendance had a letter signed by 100,000 people opposing this decision.

Apparently, by the time this information was presented, most of the Democrat Senators had left the meeting.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The illegitimate Senator from Minnesota.

Hey Al, you won your election by 300 votes, but how many votes did ACORN get for you. You are not a legitimate Senator, you are a farce, a fake, a scam artist. You wrote a book on people who lie, and you use lies to refute the truth. You are the liar. To sum it up, you are a leftist Democrat.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Good Old Joe

Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving. If he were a Republican, the news media and the late show bunch would be having a field day, and old Joe would be reduced to the status of Court Jester, for the Obama administration. However, since Joe is a top level Democrat, he gets a huge pass through the media gauntlet.

Here is old Joe's latest doozie, talking before an AARP Town hall group.

“And folks look, AARP knows and the people with me here today know, the president knows, and I know, that the status quo is simply not acceptable,” Biden said at the event on Thursday in Alexandria, Va. “It’s totally unacceptable. And it’s completely unsustainable. Even if we wanted to keep it the way we have it now. It can’t do it financially.”

“We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation,” Biden said.

“Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Biden said. “The answer is yes, that's what I’m telling you.”

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Man Up!

It is my opinion that in the past 30 years or so, manliness has been reduced to almost nothing. The liberal media has socially castrated men. We are at the point where anything resembling a purely male characteristic is viewed in a negative light. Men are archaic, knuckle draggers, historic throw backs from the stone age.

We are depicted in movies, songs, and commercials, as insensitive, stupid, morons, who act like we have received a frontal lobotomy.

I think it is time we man up and celebrate our macho tendencies. Let's re-discover our masculinity, and celebrate it. Let's squash the metro sexual image that feminist and gay activists love to push on us. Let's go fishing and camping. Let's opt for the barber shop instead of the hair salon. Let's go watch an action flick, by ourselves, because we're man enough to do something without anyone else.

I have found a website that has been a revelation to me, and I would like to share it with you.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Write a Letter

OK, I know nobody reads my blog, but I'm going to write this anyway.

Everyone write a letter. Write a letter to your Congressman, Governor, Mayor, Supervisor, The President, Vice-President, any government official you want. We can't accept what is happenning to our country. We need to stand up and be heard. The government is taking over our lives, in every single aspect. They are telling us how much energy we can consume, they are going to tell us how and when we can have medical care. They are taking over our largest private sector companies. They want to take away our guns, and they want to minimize our ability to worship. They want to take away our hard earned money and give it to people who didn't work for it. Our current administration is way far left wing, and they are intent on destroying our traditional way of life. They want to be similar to a european socialist government.

We can't just sit back and watch this happen. We are not far from eliminating the abiity to call this great nation FREE.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Who's the Real Dummy

As you know, Sarah Palin has been bombarded with criticism from the leftist, mainstream media machine, ever since she was picked as a Vice-President hopeful on the GOP ticket. This onslaught of criticism and mean spirited reporting is reminiscent of the Dan Quayle assassination during the George H. W. Bush years. I would just like to ask one question. Why does Joe Biden get a pass? Why is he not characterized as the old idiotic buffoon that he is?

We all know the answer - I just needed to get that off my chest.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hooray for John Voight

Wow! I never thought I'd see the day when someone really criticizing Obama made it on the news. Did you see the wonderful oration given by none other than the famous actor, John Voight? Very Impressive. I new old Johnny leaned to the right, (which really makes his daughter Angelia Jolie happy). But I had no idea how far right he really was. John Voight is my new hero. He had the intestinal fortitude to stand up and give his true opinion about Obama. And for that. He'll probably never work in Hollywood again, but that will be good for him. Maybe he'll take up politics.

Here is a couple of his gems from that speech:

- Obama is a "soft-spoken Julius Cesar."
- He describes our new foreign policy as "getting together with enemies in a little playground."
- He also describes Obama as a "false prophet."

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Old News

This article is a little old, but still relevant.

Facts disprove warnings about global warming
by William Robert Johnston
in The Brownsville Herald, April 4, 2001, p. A10
A long time ago kings and rulers might be advised by magicians, astrologers, and other charlatans. These mystics would prey on leaders--and through them, on entire societies--by using the false superstitious beliefs of all involved. These people mostly went away with the advent of science.
But they're back--this time using the name of science. A vocal minority of the scientific community, with the help of unqualified outsiders, has persuaded many politicians to pursue plans that would be economically devastating. The story this time is global warming.
The "global warmers" produced the Kyoto treaty of 1997. However, the facts completely disprove what these people are saying about climate change.
We've all heard the stories, reported as indisputable fact: The last century or decade is just about the hottest the world has ever been. Carbon dioxide from burning gasoline and coal is blamed. Unless their solution is enacted right now, temperatures will rise terribly in the next century. Icecaps will start to melt, coasts will flood, storms will get worse, diseases will spread, animals will die, and more. And it's all because of us Americans.
The best lies contain a measure of truth. Yes, carbon dioxide in the air has increased in the last century due to the use of fossil fuels. Yes, global average temperature has increased 0.8 degrees F in the same century. Unfortunately, the temperature increase came first: most of the temperature increase was before 1940, and most of the new carbon dioxide was added after 1960. Would you trust a "scientist" who said the result came before the cause?
There are other problems, as well. Solar activity may be the cause of the world temperature changes. The global warmers can't explain why satellites show no temperature change in the past 20 years. The computer models that predict disaster in a century have been completely wrong for the past 20 years. And no one can agree on the side effects.
Scientific facts actually helped unravel the treaty last year. Carbon dioxide is removed from the air by various natural and manmade processes, and world leaders couldn't agree on how to credit for this. No one wanted the U.S. to get credit for removals of carbon dioxide, so negotiations faltered.
Most scientists use facts and logic to reach conclusions. It's no surprise that over 17,000 scientists and engineers have signed a petition calling for rejection of the Kyoto treaty. This overshadows any collection of scientists that have endorsed the treaty.
The global warmers have failed to prove that man has caused a problem. This hasn't stopped them from demanding we act, and act now.
The Kyoto Protocol called for the U.S. and other western nations to shoulder most of the limits on fossil fuel energy use. Developing countries suffer little or no restrictions.
Those countries are obviously enthusiastic. The economic powerhouses would have their hands tied, while would-be competitors like mainland China would not.
President Bush has sided with the scientific facts in recently declining to implement the Kyoto limits. After all, the treaty is so bad the Senate opposed it 95 to zero.
Bush and Congress must go further. They should refuse any regulation of carbon dioxide emissions whatsoever.
Consider the impact of the restrictions still promoted by some. The U.S. would have to put a 50 to 100 % tax on gasoline, heating fuels, and most electricity. Local farmers and landowners will face bureaucratic restrictions hindering the use of land. In south Texas, the result would just be massive inflation and unemployment. In the developing world, suffering economies would cause starvation and death. And for all this, the restrictions can't be shown to make any difference to world climate.
The primary advocates of global warming remain the environmentalists. They propose a drastic solution to a non-existent problem--a solution which is, amazingly, the same political policy they have unsuccessfully sought to impose for decades. Many of their leaders oppose free markets and seek to limit human development, and global warming is currently the best means to these ends. If people are hurt in the process, so be it.
The current power supply problems in California are a perfect example. They are not a consequence of true deregulation, but of environmental and anti-free market restrictions on power production. This is the same thing proposed in Kyoto, and the same thing still promoted by some Washington leaders.
As you watch your gas and electricity bills go up, recognize this as only a taste of what could have been under Kyoto--and what could still be, if environmental politics and big government win out over free markets and scientific facts.

Global Warming - NOT

I need to get this shirt.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Does anyone else see the Socialist and Communist influence in the artwork of this poster?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama on 60 Minutes

Big surprise! Steve Croft's interview of Obama, on 60 Minutes was another game of softball with the President and the liberal media. It's like Croft was saying, "here let me lob this one to you, so you can hit it out of the park." Give me a break.

They set the whole thing up by stating that Obama has, "the most difficult job on the world." In other words they were saying, let's be understanding of the mistakes, because his job is so hard. Do you think Bush would have received the same treatment?

On Guantanamo Bay, Croft just let him rail about Cheney, and didn't once follow up with an opposing question. He totally let him side step the FACT that interrogating Guantanamo detainees saved hundreds, if not thousands of American lives, due to thwarted terrorist plots. I don't know how Obama can completely ignore that single, extremely important fact, and get away with it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Given the current state of the economy, who do you think would have been a better GOP pick, and President of the United States of America.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just Put It on the Taxpayer

OK, so she needs a jet to fly home, I get that. OK, so she needs a bigger jet than they used to use for the speaker of the house because she has to fly farther, I get that too. But, here is where I draw the line. Pelosi uses the taxpayer funded jet to fly on boondoggles to Europe? She books a high frequency of flights to San Francisco, so she can have the plane ready if she needs it? Then she cancels a high number of the scheduled flights, which still get paid for, due to late cancellation?

Give me a break!

No, no, no, no, no! This is ridiculous.

What happened to HOPE and CHANGE.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Don't Look at Me, I Didn't Vote for Him

So the word on the conservative beat is that Democrats who are more centrist are realizing just how far left Obama is, and they aren't happy.

Hmmm, and why did they not see that ahead of time?

This candidate was the farthest left Senator, and he kept talking about how he was going to "Change" America. He's changing it alright, but now people are starting to realize they don't want it changed in the direction he is taking it.

The GOP better get their act together because they are going to need a viable candidate for 2012. Barack will be a one term President - mark my words.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Great Leadership

Cowards? COWARDS! Our own Attorney General is calling the American People "cowards."

Is this the kind of leadership we can expect from this administration?

This is ridiculous.

Unfortunately, it's just the beginning.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimu - Less

We need less stimulus. By now you have probably already heard this argument, but repetition is the key to making people believe something is true. And in this case, this is true.

We need the government to get their stinking hands out of our pockets, and out of our children's future pockets, and the the free market system work. Yes it does work.

Today President Obama signed the stimulus bill, and the markets plummeted. Not a good sign of stimulus, or confidence from the stock market. Unfortunately, this market reaction is probably a sign of how effect this piece of legislation is going to be.

Nothing would go further in restoring our economy than the government letting us keep more of our money, so we can pay mortgages, and spend some of what we earned for ourselves.

It's not that difficult.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darwin, racist?

Ok, we all know how much the lefties love Charles Darwin. Today is Darwin day, in celebration of his birthday, which he happens to share with Abraham Lincoln, and liberals all over the world are celebrating. Of course Darwin is not only loved by the left, many people celebrate his contributions to science. But the libs, and the atheists in particular, base much of their belief system on Darwin's theories on evolution.

Well, I have a little surprise for ya. Many people don't know that part of Darwin's published works, describe a need to "preserve the races." Also, in his book, "The Decent of Man," Darwin states that Blacks are farthest behind in the evolutionary chain, among humans. He also states that they are inferior to the white race and closer to apes than any other human race.

Isn't it interesting that you never hear these little tid bits, when the lefties are smirking at religious people, and pointing to the "evolution of man" as a dis-creditor of the story of Adam and Eve.

How do those on the left rationalize their total belief in Darwin's theories, when it is tainted with this documented evidence of racism? It seems to me that you have to believe it all, or none of it. They can't selectively believe portions of his theories, and ignore the ones that don't fit their agenda. I don't think anyone today would agree that blacks are inferior. So doesn't that mean that his theory is flawed? I guess you could say that he was right part of the time, but if you walk down his flow of logic, the bad part that people don't want to talk about, is logical.

Personally, I have problems with the theory of evolution, mainly because there is a missing link, but also, now, because I don't believe the racist remarks that Darwin stated.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gitmo Torture Facility

Torture food

I got some interesting information while listening to the Dennis Prager radio show today. For those who think the terrorists in Gitmo are being treated badly, think again. Here is one example of the treatment they receive: When they are given the Koran to read, per their insistance, military personnel are not worthy of touching the book. It has to be given to them by a "worthy" muslim, who they appoint, and even they have to handle the book with cloth gloves. Hmmmm, does that sound like torture to you? There is a long list of privileges they receive, which are comforts that I don't have, begginning with top quality health care.

So you think closing Gitmo is a good Idea? You think it is the right thing to do? Take a look at this website first, and then make your own decision. It is always better to make an informed decision, rather than a popular decision. If you are getting all your information from the news media, then you decision is most likely a popular one.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I said it before, and I'll say it again.  Government bailouts are not a good idea.'

Back in October, 2008, I wrote an entry that stated how wrong it was for the Federal Government to bailout the banks.  I said it then, and I'll say it again.  Bad Idea!

So let's review.  We gave a mountain of cash to major banks and lending institutions, and the auto industry.  That was four months ago.  Anybody see any improvement?  That's right, neither did I.  Not only was there no improvement, but some of the companies decided to go party with some of that money at lavish resorts.  UNBELIEVABLE!

Told you so.  Government intervention in the free market economy always spells disaster.  We should have learned that lesson from FDR, and other nations that have tried it over the past ten years.  This latest umpteen gillion dollars that is supposed to be a shot in the arm to the economy is going to be like one of those flu shots you get, and the virus isn't quite dead yet.  Yup, that's right, you still get sick.  This is only going to make the situation worse, and prolong the downward trend in the markets and the economy.

I have said before that I want President Obama to succeed, and I still do.  If he succeeds, we all succeed.  But, I'm going to make a big prediction here.  I'm so sure that government involvement in trying to fix the economy is not going to work, I predict that Obama is going to be a one term president.  I know everybody loves him.  But that admiration bubble will burst, or at least leak, and by his mid term, most people will be looking for a new president.

I hope I'm wrong.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Party Politics

I have grown very tired of partisan politics. Even in the financial crisis we find ourselves in, our politicians cant seem to shed the party first attitude that has invaded our legislative branch of government.

I discovered, however, this is not a new phenomenon. Take a look at this quote from George Washington, in his farewell address.

"The party spirit, he lamented:
serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of
party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

It seems that we are stuck with the childish party politics that are inherent in the system, but I don't have to like it. It reminds me of the Beatles song that John Lennon penned, "I, me, my." I believe we will see vast improvement in what we can accomplish as a nation if/when we get beyond selfish, self serving politicians, who are supposed to be representing us.

My recommendation is to vote for the representative, not the politician, if you ever get the opportunity.

A Striking Resemblance

I hate to do this, but I can't help myself. Let's just say the devil made me do it.

A striking resemblance.

Friday, January 30, 2009

What's going on?

Can someone please tell me who left the government in charge? I've been on this earth since 1960, and I don't like the direction we (mankind) are going in.

Last night I was doing my nightly unwind, in front of the television, and realized something very profound. I was watching Apollo 13 with the wifeypoo, and in the movie, when things were going really bad for the flight crew, the news was reporting that people all over the world, including the Vatican, and other religious landmarks, were praying for them. Don't see that too much these days.

Back to the government. Their encroachment in our lives has gone too far. Beside the fact that Federal Income Tax is unconstitutional, now they want to monitor the thermostats in our homes with an FM receiver, and change the settings if they don't like how we have it set. Does this bother anyone else? Please, please, people, we need to take back our liberties, before we become a completely communist state. Don't let this happen. Write to your federal representatives and congresspersons, and let them know what you think.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day Blues

I hate to be the wet blanket, but I have to say that Obama's inaugural address was less than inspiring. It was even a little depressing. I get the fact that he was trying to set low expectations, so he won't be ridiculed when things don't all-of-a-sudden become wonderful, now that he is President. And believe me, a lot of people expect that.

What I expected was something positive. Something to look forward to. Something new and different. Something that a LEADER would say.

President Obama had the opportunity to present an historic speach, and instead he very much delivered more of the same political rhetoric that we know all to well. All he had to do is use himself as an example of what can be accomplished in this great nation, but instead he focused on all the problems we have set before us, and how much work it is going to take to fix it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Watch this guy.

An article from Glenn Beck, cut and pasted, because I couldn't say it any better myself.

GLENN: All right. You know the rest of this. What does this song actually tell us? What is this song really all about? Can you see by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming. That the banner lasted through the night. So I think what this is supposed to tell us here is that even in the heat of battle, even if the worst -- when you go to bed at night and you think this is not going to stand, the battle goes on. And when the dawn comes again, that banner is yet waving. But here's the key phrase: The land of the free... and the home of the brave.

I ask you if those two statements are true anymore. Are we the land of the free and the home of the brave. Our freedom is slipping by because I believe that we are not the home of the brave anymore, at least too many people are not brave anymore. You may be, I may be. I know our military -- let me ask you this: Name the government institutions that you currently believe in. I'm going to -- just to list a few. Do you still believe in the court system? Do you still believe in congress? Do you still believe in the department of environmental protection? Do you believe in the education system? Do you believe in the treasury making sure that our dollar is sound? Now let me ask you two other questions: Do you believe in our Secret Service? Do you believe in our military? The answer to those last two questions, if you are like me, you answered no to every single one of those questions, and I left out do you believe in the President -- not the office of the President. Do you believe in the Presidents that we've had in the last few. To me honor is retreating. The only place that honor really takes a stand at least for me is, I believe in the Secret Service. I believe those guys are honorable guys. I have seen them. I have seen them and I've spoken to them as they are protecting dirtbags, as they are ready to lose their life for Ahmadinejad. Boy, oh, boy, that's honor. And they do it because, not on our soil. I believe these guys are honorable people. Anybody who doesn't think our military is honorable hasn't met our military. Not to say that there are not some dirtbags in the military, but for the most part it's the one institution that I still believe in, and the reason why I believe in it is because it hasn't become about politics. The reason why I still believe in it is because it's the one institution that is closest to you and me.

The land of the free. You know and I know that we are having all kinds of issues now where things are just too big to fail. We have been a country always of the underdog. We've never went and looked to bail out a king, we've never looked to bail out the big guy. We were always there for the little guy. But the little guy isn't even being listened to anymore. And because of our economy, our economic security, because of our border security, because of our visa security, we're becoming less and less free. Because there's a lack of common sense.

Now, the home of the brave, are we the home of the brave? You bet. Our military will go into any place. Our military will do things that man would make me crap my pants, quite honestly. I'm a friend of Marcus Luttrell, the surviving member of Seal Team 10, The Lone Survivor. What these guys do is beyond my imagination, beyond my worst nightmares. So I do believe that bravery is here. But is personal bravery, are we willing to do the hard things now? Are we willing to sacrifice ourselves for the future of our children? I think the answer to that is yes, but nobody's asking you to do it. Are you willing to say, "You know what? Okay, I'll eat macaroni and cheese so my children can remain free. I will downsize my life so my children can remain free. I will go out and I will take three jobs. I will mow lawns if I have to on the weekends so my children can remain free. I will make sacrifices now that I don't want to make so my children can remain free." That's honor. That's bravery. But no one is asking you to do that now.

I think we should have a new National Anthem. I love the National Anthem that we have, but I think there should be a temporary new National Anthem, and I think there's two contenders and I'd like to share them with ya. And I know this is a little odd for a National Anthem, but the first one was done by Frank Sinatra. There are other versions. You know, we can pick, you know, the version that we like, but listen to the words. You just listened to the Star-Spangled Banner. What does it tell you? It gave you hope that there is a brighter day tomorrow, and that's an important message. But there will only be a brighter day tomorrow if we understand how to get there. And that's why maybe this should be the new National Anthem.

(Music playing)

GLENN: All right. So what do you learn from this song? Why should this be our National Anthem? Because it teaches us there's ups and downs. You are going to be up, you are going to be down, you are going to be high, you are going to be low, but you know what? That's life, and it's okay. The next thing, it's hard to believe, but some people get their kicks, some people enjoy stomping on somebody else's dream. But move on! That's life! I've been up and I've been down. I've been a king, I've been a pauper, I've been everything! And you know what? When I'm down on the ground, I pick myself back up again! I do it! I pick myself up and I ride high! And I'll be down again, but you know what? That's life!

That's the message America needs to hear! Not the rocket's red glare. Things suck sometimes, man. Things suck, but they're gonna get better. But if you pick yourself up and know that there are going to be -- there's no talk about any kind of, "Well, I can't make it because people are against me," some people get their kicks stomping on your dream. But I ain't gonna let it get me down. What happened to that attitude in America? That's the underdog. That's who we've always been! .