Big surprise! Steve Croft's interview of Obama, on 60 Minutes was another game of softball with the President and the liberal media. It's like Croft was saying, "here let me lob this one to you, so you can hit it out of the park." Give me a break.
They set the whole thing up by stating that Obama has, "the most difficult job on the world." In other words they were saying, let's be understanding of the mistakes, because his job is so hard. Do you think Bush would have received the same treatment?
On Guantanamo Bay, Croft just let him rail about Cheney, and didn't once follow up with an opposing question. He totally let him side step the FACT that interrogating Guantanamo detainees saved hundreds, if not thousands of American lives, due to thwarted terrorist plots. I don't know how Obama can completely ignore that single, extremely important fact, and get away with it.
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