Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day Blues

I hate to be the wet blanket, but I have to say that Obama's inaugural address was less than inspiring. It was even a little depressing. I get the fact that he was trying to set low expectations, so he won't be ridiculed when things don't all-of-a-sudden become wonderful, now that he is President. And believe me, a lot of people expect that.

What I expected was something positive. Something to look forward to. Something new and different. Something that a LEADER would say.

President Obama had the opportunity to present an historic speach, and instead he very much delivered more of the same political rhetoric that we know all to well. All he had to do is use himself as an example of what can be accomplished in this great nation, but instead he focused on all the problems we have set before us, and how much work it is going to take to fix it.

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