Democrats are supposed to be the party for the "working class," right? They are the party of the masses. They are the party for the average "Joe."
I think someone needs to remind them of that because they are really working over Joe the Plumber.
How about that. Joe asks Obama a simple question, and he gets totally slammed by the press, not to mention rummaging through his trash. He gets investigations into his background, by democrat leaders of his state. Does this scare anyone else, but me? Is this what we have to look forward to in a Obama presidency?
I think it is safe to say that the Democrat Party is not about sticking up for the little guy. They are for taking care of themselves, and growing the government big enough to "take care" of everybody. The fact is, they are elitists. They have total disdain for anyone who does not subscribe to their far left, socialist views, which, by the way, most of middle America does not subscribe to. They want their votes, so they pretend to be all "down homie," but they aren't. If you didn't go to an Ivy League school, and get a law degree, you are a moron, who can't understand the complicated social/political environment.
If you don't believe me, here is a quote from Bill Maher, a far left leaning liberal, and somewhat of a spokesman for the cause:
"I think it's great that McCain has chosen this guy to be the exemplar of middle America, because, to me, "Joe the Plumber" proves exactly what I've been saying -- and many people have been saying for so long about the Republican Party in the modern era -- they take advantage. They prey on people like "Joe the Plumber," who don't really understand the issues."
Excuse me? Who is really praying on Joe the Plumber?
I'm pretty sure Barack Obama feels the same way, he just hasn't said it quite as plainly as Bill Maher.
I think there is a fair portion of Barack supporters that are kind of on the band wagon. If they really stopped and thought about the things he says, and the things he plans to do, they would change their minds. Unfortunately, most people are followers, and they will go the way the wind blows them. Right now, the wind is very strong, and its a liberal one.
By the way, I still think McCain has a chance.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
In case you've been living under a rock, or in cave, or you've been a contestant on "Survivor," you need to know we (the country) is at a major crossroads. We are on the brink of a very important presidential election, and we are also going to vote on a proposition that is extremely precious to those of us in modern civilization that think marriage between a man and a woman is fundamental to a healthy moral society.
Proposition 8, is up there on the top of the list, in terms of importance. To me, it is more important than the price of gas, more important than our relations with foreign countries, even more important than the current economic crisis we are dealing with. I didn't list the person who becomes President of the United States, because I think that is almost equally as important, but for different reasons.
If proposition 8 does not pass, I believe we will be starting a trend of eroding moral values that will have a "snow ball" effect, and will be hard if not impossible to reverse.
What happens after that? If a person is attracted to youth, will they be allowed to marry? There is already an association that advocates relationships between men and boys, and they have been protected in the past by the ACLU. What if a person is attracted to animals? The list goes on. You know what I'm getting at. We have to hold the line on marriage, or it is curtains for a moral society as we know it.
This is not to mention all the other ramifications related to freedom of religion, personal worship and what is going to be taught in our schools, etc.
It's not politically correct to say it, but the gay lifestyle is a sexual perversion, and it always will be, whether it is excepted, or not. Don't think from that statement that I hate Gay's, I don't. I just don't agree with their lifestyle, and no one can make me think that it is OK to be that way. I'm a live and let live kind of person, but when someone tries to shove acceptance down my throat, it gets my hackles up. We are all being made to think there is something wrong with us, and we should feel guilty if we don't accept the gay lifestyle.
By the way, I'm pretty sure Prop 8 is going to pass.
Proposition 8, is up there on the top of the list, in terms of importance. To me, it is more important than the price of gas, more important than our relations with foreign countries, even more important than the current economic crisis we are dealing with. I didn't list the person who becomes President of the United States, because I think that is almost equally as important, but for different reasons.
If proposition 8 does not pass, I believe we will be starting a trend of eroding moral values that will have a "snow ball" effect, and will be hard if not impossible to reverse.
What happens after that? If a person is attracted to youth, will they be allowed to marry? There is already an association that advocates relationships between men and boys, and they have been protected in the past by the ACLU. What if a person is attracted to animals? The list goes on. You know what I'm getting at. We have to hold the line on marriage, or it is curtains for a moral society as we know it.
This is not to mention all the other ramifications related to freedom of religion, personal worship and what is going to be taught in our schools, etc.
It's not politically correct to say it, but the gay lifestyle is a sexual perversion, and it always will be, whether it is excepted, or not. Don't think from that statement that I hate Gay's, I don't. I just don't agree with their lifestyle, and no one can make me think that it is OK to be that way. I'm a live and let live kind of person, but when someone tries to shove acceptance down my throat, it gets my hackles up. We are all being made to think there is something wrong with us, and we should feel guilty if we don't accept the gay lifestyle.
By the way, I'm pretty sure Prop 8 is going to pass.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thank you Mr. Lear
I'm going to defer this entry to Mr. Bill Lear (Lear Jets).
Dear friends,
I am truly astonished by the ignorance Obama supporters have displayed in their quest to get someone - ANYONE - into the White House.
Now, wait a minute. I can well understand your dislike or even hatred of our clown, GWB, but he is not the root cause of all of our problems. Our Congress is. And a change there would be welcomed by all. You ain't gonna get it done with Obama. You gotta fire the whole damnable crooked Congress.(Read my book, "BERNIE'S WAR!").
Perhaps I'm looking at all of this from a different perspective than you because my life experiences have been so different from yours. I'm 80-years old and have traveled the world where I've seen a great deal. I spent five years on active duty as a fighter pilot in the USAF and another seven years flying with the Air National Guard in California and Texas as well as a few years flying in the USAF Reserve. I spent three years on active duty in Germany flying Czech border patrol with "cold guns" in aircraft inferior to the MIG during the Korean "Police Action" when it was thought that Korea was a diversion for a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.
I lived abroad for a total of 28 years. Three years in Germany, twenty years in Switzerland and five years in Great Britain where I was based doing "spook" work for the U.S. behind the Iron Curtain before it fell. During that era of the Cold War I ventured to Moscow, Prague, Warsaw, Bucharest, Peshawar, Pakistan and Bulgaria posing as a Swiss French-speaking arms dealer purchasing weapons we surreptitiously supplied to the Afghani Mujahedeen in their successful fight against the Soviets - all of which came back to haunt us.
I've been there and done that and have had close associations with top government people in Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain. I've had more foreign affair experience than Obama could ever dream of and, yet, wouldn't have the temerity to deign myself "Presidential" material; although I feel eminently more qualified to judge who would NOT be best for our country. My long-time world experience should count for something in my plea to you to abandon this miscreant flake. You will only be doing yourself and our country an enormous disservice if you persist in your support of this flash-in-the-pan opportunist. On this, you MUST trust me.
I've associated closely with European royalty and African politicians. I've traveled to the Far East to observe their cultures. My point is that Obama, although formally well educated and a brilliant orator, is a neophyte when it comes to understanding the world and is uniquely unqualified for the job as President of these great United States. His knowledge of economics is nil and his tax proposals absurd and life-threatening to the U.S. not only in economic terms but in preserving our national security as well. I don't want a "citizen of the world" to be President, I want a citizen of the good old USA to be President. Screw the rest of the world as they have well and truly screwed us. The time has come for us to awaken and start looking after ourselves. Now THAT would be CHANGE if that's what you're looking for.
While McCain has abstained from playing "the race-card", Obama is playing it to the hilt even though he's technically not an African-American. To qualify for this distinction you must be at least one-sixth black. Obama is only one-eighth. His father would be, as he was one-sixth. No, Obama is more Muslim than black yet he trades on his blackness.
The larger question I have about him is that we really don't know much about him other than what HE tells us, what we read on blogs and from some serious non-partisan investigators whose factual reports are, unfortunately, generally ignored and which receive precious little media exposure.
I, as a registered Independent, a military veteran and a patriot, beseech you to put aside party considerations and vote for the lesser of the two evils. Yes, I am NOT a McCain supporter, but he is, at least, not a flake, doesn't carry Muslim baggage and is a PROVEN hero and patriot WITH experience. It's not a party issue. It's all about electing the best we can trust with what we've got to work with. Mr. Obama is NOT that guy.
Please, please rethink your voting position. Thanks for reading my innermost thoughts. I care about all of you, but I care more about our country. Please help me to do both. William P. (Bill) Lear, Jr.
Dear friends,
I am truly astonished by the ignorance Obama supporters have displayed in their quest to get someone - ANYONE - into the White House.
Now, wait a minute. I can well understand your dislike or even hatred of our clown, GWB, but he is not the root cause of all of our problems. Our Congress is. And a change there would be welcomed by all. You ain't gonna get it done with Obama. You gotta fire the whole damnable crooked Congress.(Read my book, "BERNIE'S WAR!").
Perhaps I'm looking at all of this from a different perspective than you because my life experiences have been so different from yours. I'm 80-years old and have traveled the world where I've seen a great deal. I spent five years on active duty as a fighter pilot in the USAF and another seven years flying with the Air National Guard in California and Texas as well as a few years flying in the USAF Reserve. I spent three years on active duty in Germany flying Czech border patrol with "cold guns" in aircraft inferior to the MIG during the Korean "Police Action" when it was thought that Korea was a diversion for a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.
I lived abroad for a total of 28 years. Three years in Germany, twenty years in Switzerland and five years in Great Britain where I was based doing "spook" work for the U.S. behind the Iron Curtain before it fell. During that era of the Cold War I ventured to Moscow, Prague, Warsaw, Bucharest, Peshawar, Pakistan and Bulgaria posing as a Swiss French-speaking arms dealer purchasing weapons we surreptitiously supplied to the Afghani Mujahedeen in their successful fight against the Soviets - all of which came back to haunt us.
I've been there and done that and have had close associations with top government people in Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain. I've had more foreign affair experience than Obama could ever dream of and, yet, wouldn't have the temerity to deign myself "Presidential" material; although I feel eminently more qualified to judge who would NOT be best for our country. My long-time world experience should count for something in my plea to you to abandon this miscreant flake. You will only be doing yourself and our country an enormous disservice if you persist in your support of this flash-in-the-pan opportunist. On this, you MUST trust me.
I've associated closely with European royalty and African politicians. I've traveled to the Far East to observe their cultures. My point is that Obama, although formally well educated and a brilliant orator, is a neophyte when it comes to understanding the world and is uniquely unqualified for the job as President of these great United States. His knowledge of economics is nil and his tax proposals absurd and life-threatening to the U.S. not only in economic terms but in preserving our national security as well. I don't want a "citizen of the world" to be President, I want a citizen of the good old USA to be President. Screw the rest of the world as they have well and truly screwed us. The time has come for us to awaken and start looking after ourselves. Now THAT would be CHANGE if that's what you're looking for.
While McCain has abstained from playing "the race-card", Obama is playing it to the hilt even though he's technically not an African-American. To qualify for this distinction you must be at least one-sixth black. Obama is only one-eighth. His father would be, as he was one-sixth. No, Obama is more Muslim than black yet he trades on his blackness.
The larger question I have about him is that we really don't know much about him other than what HE tells us, what we read on blogs and from some serious non-partisan investigators whose factual reports are, unfortunately, generally ignored and which receive precious little media exposure.
I, as a registered Independent, a military veteran and a patriot, beseech you to put aside party considerations and vote for the lesser of the two evils. Yes, I am NOT a McCain supporter, but he is, at least, not a flake, doesn't carry Muslim baggage and is a PROVEN hero and patriot WITH experience. It's not a party issue. It's all about electing the best we can trust with what we've got to work with. Mr. Obama is NOT that guy.
Please, please rethink your voting position. Thanks for reading my innermost thoughts. I care about all of you, but I care more about our country. Please help me to do both. William P. (Bill) Lear, Jr.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Frustration Mounts
The closer we get to election day, the more I realize the lack of maturity, composure, and civility on the part of the people who lean left.
Two Examples:
First, I was making volunteer phone calls on behalf of Prop 8. I was calling to see if I could help people make an informed decision (in other words I was telling them to vote yes). The astonishing thing to me was the lack of interest in hearing the truth, on the part of the people who are against this proposition. It's like they didn't even care about the truth, or facts that conflicted with their opinion. I presented one gentlemen, in particular, with a given fact. He would not believe it. I told him it was a proven fact, and he categorically dismissed me because I am a Republican.
Second, I read a letter to the editor in a small local newspaper (the Acorn). This lady spewed out all the silly rhetoric which basically stated, if you are for Prop 8, you are anti-gay, you hate gays, and you live in the stone age.
Leftists, Democrat's, Secular Progressives, Socialists, Communists, whatever you want to call them. Their political and social belief system is their religion. That is why they can deny the truth, because they don't believe in what conservatives advocate. It's the equivalent of a Satan worshiper telling a Christian that Jesus didn't exist. It just does not compute. Not only does it not compute, but they have complete contempt for anyone who disagrees with their point of view. And these are supposed to be the people of tolerance and diversity. Oh, they are totally tolerant, as long as you fall in line with their way of thinking. If you don't, you are an infidel, that must be destroyed. Are they really tolerant?
They are so quick to call a conservative a hypocrite, when one falls into moral transgression. Do you see any hypocrisy on their part, when it comes to tolerance? Why was my "Yes On 8" yard sign stolen from my front lawn? Why do they want to shout down anyone who wants to express a differing opinion? Why the hatred of Sarah Palin. Tolerant? I think not. Hmmmm, where else have we seen people not being allowed to think for themselves? Where have we seen attempts to cut religion out of the moral fabric of society? Where else have we seen the government say "let us take care of you?" Hmm, let me think.
Two Examples:
First, I was making volunteer phone calls on behalf of Prop 8. I was calling to see if I could help people make an informed decision (in other words I was telling them to vote yes). The astonishing thing to me was the lack of interest in hearing the truth, on the part of the people who are against this proposition. It's like they didn't even care about the truth, or facts that conflicted with their opinion. I presented one gentlemen, in particular, with a given fact. He would not believe it. I told him it was a proven fact, and he categorically dismissed me because I am a Republican.
Second, I read a letter to the editor in a small local newspaper (the Acorn). This lady spewed out all the silly rhetoric which basically stated, if you are for Prop 8, you are anti-gay, you hate gays, and you live in the stone age.
Leftists, Democrat's, Secular Progressives, Socialists, Communists, whatever you want to call them. Their political and social belief system is their religion. That is why they can deny the truth, because they don't believe in what conservatives advocate. It's the equivalent of a Satan worshiper telling a Christian that Jesus didn't exist. It just does not compute. Not only does it not compute, but they have complete contempt for anyone who disagrees with their point of view. And these are supposed to be the people of tolerance and diversity. Oh, they are totally tolerant, as long as you fall in line with their way of thinking. If you don't, you are an infidel, that must be destroyed. Are they really tolerant?
They are so quick to call a conservative a hypocrite, when one falls into moral transgression. Do you see any hypocrisy on their part, when it comes to tolerance? Why was my "Yes On 8" yard sign stolen from my front lawn? Why do they want to shout down anyone who wants to express a differing opinion? Why the hatred of Sarah Palin. Tolerant? I think not. Hmmmm, where else have we seen people not being allowed to think for themselves? Where have we seen attempts to cut religion out of the moral fabric of society? Where else have we seen the government say "let us take care of you?" Hmm, let me think.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Thank You Dennis Prager
We are all aware of the spokespeople for the conservative right. For the most part, their theme is to rant about how loony the left is, how inadequate the Democrats in the Senate are, and, well you know how contentious the Presidential campaign is.
In the middle of all of this is a calm and relatively quiet gentleman named Dennis Prager. Dennis has a smooth calm about him. He hosts a syndicated radio show, and he is refreshingly positive and respectful to callers and guests he has on his show. I get the feeling that the difference between Dennis Prager, and the other personalities in his field, is that Dennis is very real. I don't get the feeling that he is putting on a show. He just seems to be a thoughtful person, and he gives others the respect that I'm sure he expects to receive. I think the key ingredient that Dennis has in his personal mix, is a love for people. That shows through, in the way he talks, and the way he responds to both people who agree, and people who disagree with him. Thanks Dennis, you are a class act.
Yes on Prop 8
In the middle of all of this is a calm and relatively quiet gentleman named Dennis Prager. Dennis has a smooth calm about him. He hosts a syndicated radio show, and he is refreshingly positive and respectful to callers and guests he has on his show. I get the feeling that the difference between Dennis Prager, and the other personalities in his field, is that Dennis is very real. I don't get the feeling that he is putting on a show. He just seems to be a thoughtful person, and he gives others the respect that I'm sure he expects to receive. I think the key ingredient that Dennis has in his personal mix, is a love for people. That shows through, in the way he talks, and the way he responds to both people who agree, and people who disagree with him. Thanks Dennis, you are a class act.
Yes on Prop 8

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hope I Can Believe In
OK, I know, I'm just as tired about hearing about hope as you are. But my hope is a little different. My hope isn't some nebulous, undefined, intangible buzzword, that gets all the left wing wacko's excited beyond control. My hope is real. It is the hope that McCain still has a chance. I know we are only two weeks away, and nObama (no that isn't a typo) is leading in all the poles. Call me crazy. I still have hope. I pray every night, that this nation will not fall in the hands of those who don't love our Father in Heaven. I worry for all of us, if that does happen. Let's all take in a deep breath, take a good look at the two weeks we have ahead of us, and sprint toward the finish. We can't give up. Continue to open your mouth. Stand up for what you believe in. Maybe we will get a small little miracle. We need it so bad.
Yes on Prop 8
Yes on Prop 8
Monday, October 20, 2008
Random Scene On SNL
Wow! The opening scene on Saturday Night Live was probably the most random ever. It started with the SNL cast member that plays Sarah Palin, then it cuts over to the Real Sarah Palin talking to, what's his name, the guy that runs SNL. Then Mark Wahlberg interrupts them, doesn't even acknowledge Sarah, and then walks off again, then Alec Baldwin shows up and ends up walking off, arm in arm, with Sarah. Then the Real Sarah ends the skit with the the famous "live from New York, it's Saturday night," announcement.
It was actually kind of nice to see people with very different political views, getting over themselves, and having some fun. Wouldn't it be nice, if we could all do a little more of that. My feeling is that there is extreme hatred on the left, and that probably isn't going to just go away. Why is it that way? Do you ever see conservatives showing up at a liberal meeting to disrupt the whole thing by screaming, and yelling, some protest? I think, we on the right, are just as passionate about our views as the left, but we don't get in their face about it.
It was actually kind of nice to see people with very different political views, getting over themselves, and having some fun. Wouldn't it be nice, if we could all do a little more of that. My feeling is that there is extreme hatred on the left, and that probably isn't going to just go away. Why is it that way? Do you ever see conservatives showing up at a liberal meeting to disrupt the whole thing by screaming, and yelling, some protest? I think, we on the right, are just as passionate about our views as the left, but we don't get in their face about it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Making Good Choices
It seems like a simple thing, if you want to be successful in life, if you want to do what is right, if you want to be a good example, if you want people to think of you as someone with integrity, then make good choices.
By “good choices,” I mean choose the good, or choose the right. One might think that a crafty business deal, that is to the detriment of others, is a good choice, and from a purely business perspective it would seem that it is. But is it? If you take into consideration, long-range planning, and a business term called “good will,” you can see that even in something as unemotional as business, choosing the right is always the best thing to do.
We all face many choices each day. Some of the choices we make may seem small and trivial, while others can have long-term effects on our lives, and others. If we make it a point each day, to recommit ourselves to choose the right, we can consciously make decisions that are good, and in so doing, we are helping our Father in Heaven build his kingdom here on earth.
Due to our recent surge in gas prices, I was making it a point to stay within the speed limit. I was doing this to try and decrease my gas consumption. As I was doing this, I realized that I never worried when I saw the highway patrol. One big blessing that comes from making good choices is the fact that you never have to worry about anyone finding out.
Let us hold back when we are angry. Let us not take advantage when we have the opportunity to do so. Let us make sacrifices for others. Let us love one another. Let us be honest in our dealings with our fellow men and women. Let us all make good choices.
Romans 5:19
For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
By “good choices,” I mean choose the good, or choose the right. One might think that a crafty business deal, that is to the detriment of others, is a good choice, and from a purely business perspective it would seem that it is. But is it? If you take into consideration, long-range planning, and a business term called “good will,” you can see that even in something as unemotional as business, choosing the right is always the best thing to do.
We all face many choices each day. Some of the choices we make may seem small and trivial, while others can have long-term effects on our lives, and others. If we make it a point each day, to recommit ourselves to choose the right, we can consciously make decisions that are good, and in so doing, we are helping our Father in Heaven build his kingdom here on earth.
Due to our recent surge in gas prices, I was making it a point to stay within the speed limit. I was doing this to try and decrease my gas consumption. As I was doing this, I realized that I never worried when I saw the highway patrol. One big blessing that comes from making good choices is the fact that you never have to worry about anyone finding out.
Let us hold back when we are angry. Let us not take advantage when we have the opportunity to do so. Let us make sacrifices for others. Let us love one another. Let us be honest in our dealings with our fellow men and women. Let us all make good choices.
Romans 5:19
For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
All is not lost.
If you believe the news media and the poles, you would think Obama is going to be our next President. I'm not so sure. I think we will see an uprising from the "silent majority" like we have never seen before. There is too much at stake, and I think a lot of people will show up at the poles, who wouldn't otherwise go.
When you stop and think about the agenda of a very liberal President, backed by a liberal congress, it gets very scary. We will see an attack on traditional marriage, unborn children's right to life, and the right to worship freely, on a scale never before seen in this country.
When you stop and think about the agenda of a very liberal President, backed by a liberal congress, it gets very scary. We will see an attack on traditional marriage, unborn children's right to life, and the right to worship freely, on a scale never before seen in this country.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Barak (failed policies and hope) Obama
This guy scares me. There are so many things people are willing to overlook because he is such an accomplished public speaker. Don't be fooled by the slick presentation. This guy is so far on the left, I bet he would love to see us all goose stepping to a big mural of him in Obama square. Did you know that he wants to compel Americans to perform 150 hours of community service, per year?
Is this the America we want?
Is this the America we want?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Buyout Blues
I knew it. I was right. Unfortunately, being right, in this case is a bad thing. I never bought the "buyout." Hello! This is supposed to be a free market economy. The market will do the right thing every time, if it is allowed to do so. The government needs to just get out of the way. And who put Barnie Franks in charge? Just look at him. He's a buffoon. How did that guy get elected?
OK, I'm done ranting. I just have one more thing to say. Don't believe Barak (failed policies) Obama when he says deregulation caused this financial mess. He's doing the usual blame game. The fact is, this is all caused by pressure from the liberal establishment, on loan institutions, to fund loans to people who, under normal prudent lending practices, would not qualify. End of story.
OK, I'm done ranting. I just have one more thing to say. Don't believe Barak (failed policies) Obama when he says deregulation caused this financial mess. He's doing the usual blame game. The fact is, this is all caused by pressure from the liberal establishment, on loan institutions, to fund loans to people who, under normal prudent lending practices, would not qualify. End of story.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Prop 8 must pass
I live in California, the golden state. This place would be paradise if we didn't have so many libs here. We have to pass prop 8. My time is short today, so I can't go into detail, but I would like to ask one question to those who may oppose prop 8, or those who are undecided.
Do you believe in religious freedom? If you don't, you're a lost cause, but if you do, really look into this proposition. The bottom line is that it will take away the freedom of religious people with conservative values. This isn't about being anti gay. It is about preserving the belief that marriage is ordained by God, and is defined as being between a man and a woman.
Do you believe in religious freedom? If you don't, you're a lost cause, but if you do, really look into this proposition. The bottom line is that it will take away the freedom of religious people with conservative values. This isn't about being anti gay. It is about preserving the belief that marriage is ordained by God, and is defined as being between a man and a woman.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
This is the start of my blog. This blog will have mainly political content, along with a smattering of personal stuff mixed in. I will not a address any comments that contain innapropriate, or immoral content.
More to come.
Don't ya just love Sarah Palin? You go girl!
More to come.
Don't ya just love Sarah Palin? You go girl!
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