Friday, October 10, 2008

Buyout Blues

I knew it. I was right. Unfortunately, being right, in this case is a bad thing. I never bought the "buyout." Hello! This is supposed to be a free market economy. The market will do the right thing every time, if it is allowed to do so. The government needs to just get out of the way. And who put Barnie Franks in charge? Just look at him. He's a buffoon. How did that guy get elected?

OK, I'm done ranting. I just have one more thing to say. Don't believe Barak (failed policies) Obama when he says deregulation caused this financial mess. He's doing the usual blame game. The fact is, this is all caused by pressure from the liberal establishment, on loan institutions, to fund loans to people who, under normal prudent lending practices, would not qualify. End of story.


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