Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hope I Can Believe In

OK, I know, I'm just as tired about hearing about hope as you are. But my hope is a little different. My hope isn't some nebulous, undefined, intangible buzzword, that gets all the left wing wacko's excited beyond control. My hope is real. It is the hope that McCain still has a chance. I know we are only two weeks away, and nObama (no that isn't a typo) is leading in all the poles. Call me crazy. I still have hope. I pray every night, that this nation will not fall in the hands of those who don't love our Father in Heaven. I worry for all of us, if that does happen. Let's all take in a deep breath, take a good look at the two weeks we have ahead of us, and sprint toward the finish. We can't give up. Continue to open your mouth. Stand up for what you believe in. Maybe we will get a small little miracle. We need it so bad.

Yes on Prop 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-jc4ujp9Ok

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