In case you've been living under a rock, or in cave, or you've been a contestant on "Survivor," you need to know we (the country) is at a major crossroads. We are on the brink of a very important presidential election, and we are also going to vote on a proposition that is
extremely precious to those of us in modern civilization that think marriage between a man and a woman is fundamental to a healthy moral society.
Proposition 8, is up there on the top of the list, in terms of importance. To me, it is more important than the price of gas, more important than our relations with foreign countries, even more important than the current economic crisis we are dealing with. I didn't list the person who
becomes President of the United States, because I think that is almost equally as important, but for different reasons.
If proposition 8 does not pass, I believe we will be starting a trend of
eroding moral values that will have a "snow ball" effect, and will be hard if not impossible to reverse.
What happens after that? If a person is attracted to youth, will they be allowed to marry? There is already an association that advocates relationships between men and boys, and they have been protected in the past by the ACLU. What if a person is attracted to animals? The list goes on. You know what I'm getting at. We have to hold the line on marriage, or it is curtains for a moral society as we know it.
This is not to mention all the other ramifications related to freedom of religion, personal worship and what is going to be taught in our schools, etc.
It's not politically correct to say it, but the gay lifestyle is a sexual perversion, and it always will be,
whether it is excepted, or not. Don't think from that statement that I hate
Gay's, I don't. I just don't agree with their lifestyle, and no one can make me think that it is OK to be that way. I'm a live and let live kind of person, but when someone tries to shove acceptance down my
throat, it gets my hackles up. We are all being made to think there is something wrong with us, and we should feel guilty if we don't accept the gay lifestyle.
By the way, I'm pretty sure Prop 8 is going to pass.